January 30, 2011

This week was so busy!  But even with homework and school, we still have so much fun!  How could I not be so incredibly happy that I am living in New Zealand and it's summer here?? I love it.  I am so blessed to be here.  

Monday:  Happy Birthday to Mom!  It was so weird, because it was her birthday here, but not in Georgia! But my Monday night it was finally Monday in Georgia, so I left a Happy Birthday video on her wall.  I am so sad I couldn't be home to celebrate with the family, but at least she got my little package in the mail!  Monday night was our big study abroad 'picnic', except it had been raining all day, so the location was changed to the Lord family's house, where Heidi and Anna are staying.  They have such a beautiful view out the back on their house.  But Alice wasn't able to go with Katie and I because she had to work late, so Dr. Jacobs was able to pick us up and take us.  But because it was a pot luck kind of thing, Alice picked out a recipe for us to make when we got back from school.  We made these really yummy puff pastry pinwheels!  Katie and I had fun making them together!  

It was a fun night :)

Tuesday:  In Social Studies we watched a little clip of Pocahontas to introduce the topic of racial stereotypes, and afterwards Alexis told us we could borrow the movie.  Katie had said earlier that she had never seen Pocahontas, so of course we had to borrow it and watch it!  After school I went for a really good run outside, wrote a paper for Science, then we had dinner, which was so yummy!  Alice made us her chicken and mushroom pies, along with mashed kumera--which I absolutely love! Sid, Daena's husband told us that New Zealand is one of only three places where it grows naturally.  I will be determined to find a store in Georgia and Utah where it is sold...it has to be somewhere!  AND for dessert Alice made bread pudding!  I had only tried bread pudding once at the Cannon Center freshman year, and I did not like it at all.  But Alice's bread pudding is incredible!! It was so good! Anyway, so after cleaning up the kitchen, Katie and I watched Pocahontas, which was so fun.  I love Disney movies.  Watching them brings back so many memories!  I wish Disney still made movies like that...Tangled comes pretty close, but nothing compares to the Disney Classics.

Wednesday:  Nothing too exciting happened...I went running with Whitney that morning and went to school!  On Sunday at choir practice after church Alice had volunteered to help out the Altos at her house, so at 6:30 a few women from the ward came over to sing, so I played the piano for them.  Then we had dinner- Toad in the Hole!  Katie and I made it while Alice taught us, and it didn't quite work out as it should have, but we had fun making it! haha.  

Thursday:  My first touch Rugby experience!  After school, Katie and I went to the library and got library cards in prep for being in the schools.  We also walked around the mall for a little while, then took the bus back home.  We have the bus system down!  But when we got home, Alice told us about Sid's touch rugby game, so we decided to go!  The boys (Zion and Ahanu) had their game at 5:30, so we missed their game, but made it in time for Sid's game.  It's a social league, so it's all just for fun, and it's co-ed, so Katie and I might join in in the next few weeks! I'm excited :)

Friday:  Our last day of class!  

The beautiful chapel we have spent countless hours in the past month!

Saturday:  We were originally supposed to go to Piha beach, but because of the weather, plans were changed, and instead we went to the Auckland War Memorial Museum and Kelly Tarlton's, this cool aquarium kind of place that is along the waterfront underground.

Outside the museum--it was so windy!

Such a pretty building

Anna, Nancy and me!

This is a Marai they have in the museum.  A Marai is a sacred enclosure where special welcoming ceremonies are held for visitors.  This was covered in wood carvings, which all are very significant.  All the traditions we are learning about are so neat.  They go back centuries, and the Maori people continue them today.  When we were at rugby, we saw many people with all kinds of tatoos, especially around their legs, and one man had them all over his body and face.  I asked Daena about their significance, and she had one of her friends who was there explain it to me a little bit.  She has a tatoo that represents her family.  The design is really neat, and each part of it represents each member of her family.  She said that the man who had the tatoos all over his body probably had his entire tribe on him.  Talk about painful, especially the traditional way they put the ink into their bodies, but I think it is so cool!  The people here take such pride in their culture.  I love learning about it.   

We got to see a Maori cultural performance in the museum which was really neat!

The Museum was huge, and part of it was about the New Zealand wars, and how New Zealand was involved in WWI and WWII.  It was really interesting to read about the wars from a New Zealand perspective.  1 in 5 of the male population of NZ fought in WWI.  I couldn't believe it!

The Kiwi bird!  Interesting fact: The Kiwi egg is the largest bird egg relative to the female's size...ouch!

We got to see a Stingray feeding at Kelly Tarlton's!  I had never seen stingrays this huge!  They are 220 kg...which is almost 500 pounds!  

This reminded me of the Georgia Aquarium...which is much bigger and better than Kelly Tarlton's, but this was still so fun!

Sand Tiger shark!



All in all, it was such a great day!  We felt pretty touristy, but we pretty much are tourists for the next few months!  We're taking it all in!  When we got back, we worked on homework until dinner.  Daena, Sid, and their cute kids all came over.  Alice made roasted chicken, stuffing, kumera, carrots, broccoli, potatoes...it was delicious.  It was like a Thanksgiving feast!  And we topped off the night with Hokey Pokey ice cream- the best ice cream you will ever have! We hung out with everyone for a while, but had to get back to our Social Studies file, this big project that is due the day we start the practicum.  But we really don't want to do any homework while we're in the South Island, so we're trying to get everything done before we leave.  

We're being picked up to head to the airport in the morning at 5:45!  I am so excited for Queenstown!  I cannot decide what I should do...there are girls going bungy jumping, going on the world's largest swing, and skydiving!  I just want to do it all...and I think I might.  When will I ever be back in New Zealand?  And to say that I have not only been bungy jumping and skydiving, but that I did them in New Zealand?? That's pretty cool! And I do not want to have any regrets when I leave!  We'll see what I decide...but I won't have internet while I am in the South Island.  We get back February 9th, so I'll have a lot to blog about! :) BUT I still have my iphone, so I might be able to check my email, so keep them coming :)     

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Science and Social Studies!

I cannot believe how fast this week came and went...I have been living in New Zealand for 3 1/2 weeks now!  But I am so happy to say that we are done with classes!  I still have one more big assignment to do for social studies, and we have a lot of assignments to do while we're in the schools, but no more sitting for 6 1/2 hours every day!  Even though I have really loved all our classes.  And Dr. Jacobs says that we had the 'best of the best' for our teachers. I believe it!

This week was Social Studies and Science.  It is amazing how much you can learn in just six days.  I am excited to take everything I have learned and bring it into my own classroom.  Alexis Siteine taught us Social Studies, and Ian Milne taught Science.  We did so many fun science experiments with him that we now have as resources for our classrooms!  It was a lot of fun to watch him do the experiments too, because you could just tell how passionate he was about primary science education.  I just finished my personal philosophy paper last night, so I don't feel like saying everything I learned again! haha.  But he was great.  

We did a little experiment with dissolving...this would be SO fun and engaging with primary school children, because we all had so much fun with it! haha.  

Pretty cool picture, huh? I love my camera!

We also dissolved Ginger Nut cookies...can you see me? haha. 

Nancy and me!

We also made volcanoes!  They were so simple...a little messy, but kids would love it!

Anna could not have timed this picture better! haha

We had fun this week in Science.  I am excited to foster my students' natural curiosity as they learn about the world around them in my class :)  On Thursday we had to teach a science lesson to a small group, and getting to finally be up at the board teaching again was so exciting.  I am anxious to find out what grade I will be teaching at Pomaria Primary school!  We start February 14th- Valentine's Day! And after we get back from the South Island on February 9th, we have Thursday to relax, and then Friday morning at 10:15am I go to Pomaria to meet the principal and all the teachers.  We also get to stay for 'morning tea' :)  I'm so excited!

Social Studies was also such a wonderful class.  It is amazing to see how when the teacher is passionate about what she teaches, the students also become passionate about the subject.  Alexis was incredible.  I learned so much about the importance of teaching my students to become 'critical, active, informed, and responsible citizens'.  We did this activity the first day where we reflected on our own social studies education, and I was reminded of the wonderful teachers I have had throughout my education.  I am so thankful for all the teachers I have had; the good and the bad.  But mostly the good :)  Especially in elementary school--all my teachers were so great.  I think that has a lot to do with why I have always wanted to go into elementary education.  Mrs. Hunter, Mr. Skelton, Mrs. Durham...I was so lucky! 

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Chinese New Year and One Tree Hill!

On Monday it rained for the first time since we have been here!  It's been raining all day today also, and last night.  But I have to say, I love falling asleep to the rain!  Anyway, so this week:

Monday: Math begins!  Helen Walters was incredible.  I know that I learned so much that I will apply to my own classroom one day...see previous post :)  We were supposed to have a big study abroad picnic at Western Springs with all the girls and our families, but because of the rain, that got postponed until tomorrow.  But it's raining again today, so hopefully we don't have to postpone it again.  So instead of the picnic, Alice taught Katie and I how to QUILL after dinner!  She is so crafty.  Pretty much everything that decorates her home she crafted herself.  And she told us that she could probably teach us something new every week until we leave.  She has so many wonderful talents...including Barber Shop! One day we'll get her to sing for us :)

I made a birthday card for mom!  It's weird to think that tomorrow for ME is her birthday...but not for her!

Here's the card!  Mom, this totally spoils it for you, but oh well! You'll get a little package coming soon with this in it :) I LOVE YOU!

Also on Monday night...I found a little mouse in our bathroom!! haha.  I'm so glad that I can already look back and just laugh...it was such a funny night.  No worries, it's all taken care of...but it sure was funny to see Katie's reaction when I freaked out after I turned on the light to the bathroom, saw it scurry out then back under the sink when it saw me!  I slammed the door and ran back towards our beds when I see this:

Hahaha :) We're making memories for SURE!

Tuesday:  This was one of the greatest days!  I got to hear from Elder Niel L. Andersen!  And shake his hand!  He gave such an amazing talk about trusting in the Lord.  One of my favorite quotes that he shared: "Be not afraid. Only believe."  I can't even describe the wonderful spirit that I felt that night! I love the gospel so much.  This devotional was for all the YSA on the North Island.  Katie, Alice and I sat third row in the chapel!  It was incredible.  Afterwards, we had a yummy dinner at Denny's, and Alice drove us home over the Harbor bridge.  Auckland at night is so beautiful!!!

Wednesday:  We made our Tappa designs on Math!  (See previous post) After school we went to Pack N Save, got a yummy treat that mom is going to love, sent off her package, went for a run...which was so hard that day.  Man oh man, I usually work out in the morning, but decided to run in the afternoon...it was so dang hot and humid!! I haven't run in that kind of weather since August when I was home!  But regardless, it felt so good, and I am SO happy it's summer and I'm running out in the heat and not the snow.  For dinner, Alice made a delicious fish pie!  It was SO good.  Also, her daughter Daena and granddaughter Kezia came over for dinner.  I really love Carla and Daena.  They are both so funny, and make me feel so welcome and comfortable.  Daena was looking at cookie/cake recipes from books she had gotten from the library, and picked out a chocolate drop cookie recipe that Katie and I decided to make!  I should have taken pictures...but they turned out great!  

Thursday:  After school, everyone stayed after to do a Jillian Michael's workout!  I had forgotten my workout clothes, so I walked home, then ran back with just my ipod, did part of the workout, and then Katie and I went to the chiropractor for her...nothing intense, just a routine thing.  But this guy was so nice and is so close to where we live...just another little blessing!  Thursday was also our last day of Maths (New Zealanders call Math Maths, for Mathematics and Statistics).

Friday:  We started Social Studies and Science!  I am really excited for both of these classes this week.  I also got to Skype my wonderful roommates!  I am so grateful for technology!  After class, Nancy and Hannah came over and we planned our weekend trip to Wellington, the capital of NZ.  It is going to be so much fun!  March 11 after we get out of school, we fly down to Wellington, spend two nights in hostels, explore the city, and get to come back Saturday on a TRAIN back to Auckland!  I am so excited! We have heard from many people that the train ride is just beautiful, and we will get to see so much more of NZ.  

Saturday:  We woke up to rain, but thankfully it stopped and we were able to have a busy, full day!  Alice had to go into work, so were able to see where she works at MIT.  She dropped us off at Otera Market, this really neat market where we will definitely be going back to for souvenirs.  It reminded me a little of the market we always go to in Boise- lot's of food and crafts!  As a group we go there on one Saturday morning sometime next month...but Katie and I walked around the market for a few hours, then visited Alice, then caught a bus to the Chinese New Year Festival!  We are definitely becoming familiar with the whole bus system here...sort of. haha.  We were sitting on the bus, and pretty much all we know is that we're supposed to be on it for thirty minutes.  At one point I leaned over to Katie and said, "We have no idea where we are!" We just started laughing with each other.  We got on this bus and all we knew was the stop to get off...but we had no idea what the area looked like or anything!  We were just going to peel our eyes for the street names and get off when we could.  But it makes everything that much more exciting!  Luckily someone had pushed the button to get off at the same stop we needed to get off at...that was a miracle! haha.  We were supposed to catch another bus to take us up the street to the festival, but we just decided to walk because it really wasn't that far.  On our way we passed Cornwall Park, a park we had passed with Alice earlier that morning.  It is gorgeous, green, and full of sheep!  We decided to stop and take some pictures :) 

It was so green! Mekelle--it reminded me of the time when we were really little and I gave you a piggy back ride through the Sacred Grove! haha.

This is exactly what I pictured New Zealand to look like--besides the ocean, I pictured green pastures of sheep!

This is One Tree Hill!  We were walking out of the park and up towards the festival and saw it.  Alice took us up there later after the festival.

Chinese New Year Festival at the ASB Showgrounds

This cute children's Chinese dance team performed!  It is just amazing how many cultures are represented in Auckland.

Katie and I ran into Diana, Neeley, Nicole and Janet!  Such a fun surprise!  I love all these girls!

We were going to just take a bus home, but Alice called us after leaving work and we were pretty much ready to go, so she was so nice and picked us up from the festival, then drove us up to One Tree Hill!  There used to be one tree standing in front of me in this picture, but it kept getting cut down so they haven't replanted another.  But this location is so beautiful and is an amazing view of Auckland.

So after we got home, Katie and I had a bunch of reading to do for class, then we had dinner.  Alice and Noah made an amazing homemade Mac n cheese! It was so good--complete with bacon, pineapple, and tomato on top!  I loved it.  I love everything Alice makes us!  After dinner, we finished up homework, then decided to pick some oranges from Alice's orange tree before it got too dark!

We ended the night with a little cardio/ab workout, showered, and went right to bed.  We were so worn out after all the walking we had done.  But it was such a fun day!  

Today was also wonderful!  I had to play the opening hymn in sacrament meeting because the organist was late to church! haha.  Luckily I didn't even have time to think about being nervous.  I love how I am getting so many opportunities to play the piano while I am here.  I played for Primary again, and then after church played for choir when the men and women split and the director was just working with the women.  So lots of piano today!  But I love it.

One week from tomorrow we head to Queenstown!  This week will be really busy with school, but this is the last week of it!  So no complaints here :)

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January 23, 2011

Only five more days of class!  I can't believe how fast these  2 1/2 weeks have come and gone...I can now definitely understand how I am going to look back when I home and not even believe that I was here for so long!  Katie and I were talking about this yesterday a little bit-we feel like we're kind of in a dream, like this isn't real life.  But it IS!  We live in this amazing country, and we are already having wonderful experiences that I will never forget.

This week was Math Monday through Thursday.  I thought class would be more like 305 and 306 in Provo, but it was completely opposite.  Up until this point in my class experiences in Provo, I feel like we have learned not just what math material we will be teaching, but learning WHY it works.  So those classes were a ton of explaining and writing about math problems...not so fun.  But I can see how it was important for us to truly understand the math and not just the algorithms, because our students need to be able to explain what they are doing when solving math problems.  And I know that I was not taught math the way it should be taught...I learned the algorithms without the understanding behind them.  And because I learned that way, I truly believe that is why I suffered so much in Calculus!! But it's good, because now I know the RIGHT way to teach math!  Anyway, I know this is not exciting for anyone else but me, but I wanted to just review for myself what I learned from Helen.  There is so much information that we crammed in in just four days, so I wanted to sum up some of the things I want to remember.  

Helen gave us 300+ resources of games, activities, and tons of ideas for the classroom to help us teach math.  And during class, we learned about all the resources by doing them ourselves...there were times when I was like, ok shouldn't we be taking notes, or having quizzes, or something?? I guess I was just looking for the 'class' part.  BUT then I was thinking about it, and I am going to be a teaching children.  I will be teaching place value, addition and subtraction, basic multiplication...I'm teaching material that I already know and understand.  I should be learning about the most engaging, exciting ways to teach that material to my students.  And what better way to learn how to engage my students than to do the activities myself, right??  So I embraced the fact that I was rolling dice and adding to ten...and we just had fun with it!

This is kind of off the subject, but Dr. Jacobs taught us a few weeks ago how WE are in charge of our education.  I am so excited, but also so sad to see the end in sight of my college education...I will be teaching children, but I won't be taking classes on campus and taking tests, and doing homework...and as much as I talk about how much I don't like tests and homework...I am going to miss that so much!  But I am in charge of my own education.  And when I become a teacher, I will still be learning!  Every single day I believe I will learn something new from my students.  And as Dr. J said, we will have the second greatest job in the world--the first teaching Children's Literature...the class he teaches at BYU :)  Anyway, I am just so excited to be able to apply everything I learn into my own classroom and teach my own students!  

Things I learned this week:

  • "One of the greatest fallacies in education is that all learning comes from what has been taught" -Dewey
  • Key Competencies: Managing Self, Thinking, Participating and Contributing, Relating to Others, Using language, symbols, and texts
  • Be a model and example to my students- *Walk the talk*
  • Children need to learn to justify, clarify, and prove.  They need to be able to explain their thinking, or else they never will really have an understanding of the material.
  • New Zealand framework...Helen gave us all these books filled with information about the stages of development children will be in...they are priceless.  
  • Give the students time to think!!
  • The Teaching Model (Book 3) Taking existing knowledge and strategies...using materials, then imaging, then number properties...which results in new knowledge and strategies! over and over...
  • It is so important that I use correct math language...this was a realization we all had this week!  It surprised me how bad I was...like saying fourteen thirty-two instead of one thousand, four hundred thirty-two...we did a lot of modeling/teaching to each other, and Helen corrected us a few times and stressed the importance of modeling to students to correct ways!
  • Modeling Books...teaching in centers, just like Guided Reading groups, but with math.
  •  In the early stages, it is crucial to assume that students do not know anything!  Make sure that they have a full understanding before moving on!  Fill the gaps that are missing before moving on.
  • Display my students work, not my own! *Student Voice*
  • Importance of Rich Tasks:  Body Gardens, Tappa Designs *Picture down below* 
  • Checklists- Teach the students to manage themselves.
  • *Work smarter, not harder*

This is the Tappa designs we all made...it was so much fun!  And of course, we discussed what our students will be learning and how we can integrate all different subjects into this activity...

Ok, I'm going to make another post about my wonderful week!  I am so lucky to be here!

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January 16, 2011

This weekend has been so great.  On Friday, we finished up our Literacy and Assessment classes!  We start the Math class on Monday, and only have it for four days!  But that's 6 1/2 hours of math for four days...we can do it!!  Dr. Jacobs told that Helen Walters, the woman who will be teaching us, is so great and we are going to learn so much from her.

After we finished up class, we headed back to Alice's house, and on the way Carla and Noah found us and picked us up!  Alice had surgery on Friday, so her daughter Dana (Carla's twin) was there just to make sure everything was ok.  Katie and I got to meet Dana and her three adorable kids.  Alice really has the cutest grandchildren!  Dana left after a little while, and Katie and I finished up some homework, cleaned our room and bathroom, and then walked with Carla and Noah up the street to get some take aways for dinner. (fast food pretty much)  I am starting to catch on to all the lingo... Anyway, so Katie and I had our first fish and chips experience!  Talk about greasy! haha.  But it was delicious!  I definitely do not plan on having that for a loooong time though...

Earlier in the week our group had decided that we would go to Mission Bay, a really pretty beach right outside the city, where you can tandem bike, kayak, paddle board...just lots of fun things to do.  Because Alice had taken us into the city, Katie and I had a pretty good idea of where Mission Bay was, and somehow we got the responsibility of figuring out the buses and everything!  So Friday after dinner, Katie and Noah were playing hide and go seek while I was on my computer on the bus website figuring everything out.  We planned out the day and our bus route, and Katie emailed everyone all the information.

Saturday morning I got up and went for a run and worked out for a while, then showered and we met everyone at the bus stop near our house to catch the 9:14 am bus into the city.  At 9:15 I started to get nervous, just hoping the bus would come and that I had not failed everyone in my planning! haha.  But everything worked out perfectly!  The bus came, we got our $14.50 Discovery day pass for the bus, and took the bus into the city!  We got off at Britomart, which is basically the main bus station in the city, and had to catch another bus to get to Mission Bay.  But we made it!!! I was so happy and relieved.  I don't get stressed out too easily, but I was definitely stressed, just hoping I had planned out the buses right.  But Dr. Jacobs told us that the only way to really have the experiences we want is to do things ourselves! So we did!  And Katie and I are definitely confident in abilities to get around now :)

At Mission Bay we all laid out for a while, and then the majority of the group wanted to walk down about 20 minutes to another bay where they hired kayaks.  I kind of just wanted to relax on the beach, but then Nancy and I were talking and decided that we wanted to do something on the water.  I looked out and saw this guy paddle boarding!  It looked so fun.  I wanted to do something that I had never done before, and I have been kayaking a ton in Florida, so that's why I originally stayed behind.  But then the four of us who had stayed behind walked to meet the other girls.  And we got to paddle board!  It was only $15 for an hour of paddle boating, and we had so much fun!

This is Mission Bay! It's pretty much a big park, and then you can see the ocean in the background!

This was on our walk to the other bay to meet up with the girls.  It's like the Provo River trail with a bike lane and running lane, except this has the waterfront on one side!  It's beautiful.  The place we rented our paddle boards from also hires roller blades!!!! I was so excited to see that.  I grew up roller blading, and I haven't done it in years, so roller blading along the waterfront is something I added to my to-do list :) 

Nancy, Katie and me paddling out!

Emily took such awesome pictures!

This is going to be a great week!  On Tuesday night, Elder Niel A. Anderson is going to BE HERE speaking to the young single adults of the church!  I cannot even tell you how excited I am.  I am so lucky!

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