One week!

     It is so hard to believe that in exactly 7 days, I will be on a plane to LA, then soon after boarding a 12 hour 50 minute flight to Auckland, New Zealand, where I will spend the next three months of my life!   

     I can't even tell you how weird it was to pack up my room, knowing that I would not be back in my apartment until April 22nd.  But I am so excited for the experiences I am going to have.  I get to teach at a school where the kids wear uniforms and run around barefoot!  And the school has tea time and zumba classes!  What in the world?? Where am I going? haha.

      Everyone keeps telling me how this is going to be an experience of a lifetime.  I don't know what exactly to expect from this experience, but I do believe it is going to be an experience of a lifetime. I get to truly experience a culture different from my own.  I have lived in two places my entire life- Kennesaw, Georgia, and Provo, Utah.  And now I get to say that I have lived and experienced NEW ZEALAND! Our director told us to expect two things: a house, and a bed.  That's it.  We aren't to have any other expectation, because who knows what will happen.  So I think it's best that I am keeping an open mind about everything that could go on.  Because who knows, right? I seriously am writing this and still cannot believe I am actually getting ready to fly across the's like a dream! But I am SO happy!

     One of the many pluses = it's summertime :)

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