Chinese New Year and One Tree Hill!

On Monday it rained for the first time since we have been here!  It's been raining all day today also, and last night.  But I have to say, I love falling asleep to the rain!  Anyway, so this week:

Monday: Math begins!  Helen Walters was incredible.  I know that I learned so much that I will apply to my own classroom one day...see previous post :)  We were supposed to have a big study abroad picnic at Western Springs with all the girls and our families, but because of the rain, that got postponed until tomorrow.  But it's raining again today, so hopefully we don't have to postpone it again.  So instead of the picnic, Alice taught Katie and I how to QUILL after dinner!  She is so crafty.  Pretty much everything that decorates her home she crafted herself.  And she told us that she could probably teach us something new every week until we leave.  She has so many wonderful talents...including Barber Shop! One day we'll get her to sing for us :)

I made a birthday card for mom!  It's weird to think that tomorrow for ME is her birthday...but not for her!

Here's the card!  Mom, this totally spoils it for you, but oh well! You'll get a little package coming soon with this in it :) I LOVE YOU!

Also on Monday night...I found a little mouse in our bathroom!! haha.  I'm so glad that I can already look back and just was such a funny night.  No worries, it's all taken care of...but it sure was funny to see Katie's reaction when I freaked out after I turned on the light to the bathroom, saw it scurry out then back under the sink when it saw me!  I slammed the door and ran back towards our beds when I see this:

Hahaha :) We're making memories for SURE!

Tuesday:  This was one of the greatest days!  I got to hear from Elder Niel L. Andersen!  And shake his hand!  He gave such an amazing talk about trusting in the Lord.  One of my favorite quotes that he shared: "Be not afraid. Only believe."  I can't even describe the wonderful spirit that I felt that night! I love the gospel so much.  This devotional was for all the YSA on the North Island.  Katie, Alice and I sat third row in the chapel!  It was incredible.  Afterwards, we had a yummy dinner at Denny's, and Alice drove us home over the Harbor bridge.  Auckland at night is so beautiful!!!

Wednesday:  We made our Tappa designs on Math!  (See previous post) After school we went to Pack N Save, got a yummy treat that mom is going to love, sent off her package, went for a run...which was so hard that day.  Man oh man, I usually work out in the morning, but decided to run in the was so dang hot and humid!! I haven't run in that kind of weather since August when I was home!  But regardless, it felt so good, and I am SO happy it's summer and I'm running out in the heat and not the snow.  For dinner, Alice made a delicious fish pie!  It was SO good.  Also, her daughter Daena and granddaughter Kezia came over for dinner.  I really love Carla and Daena.  They are both so funny, and make me feel so welcome and comfortable.  Daena was looking at cookie/cake recipes from books she had gotten from the library, and picked out a chocolate drop cookie recipe that Katie and I decided to make!  I should have taken pictures...but they turned out great!  

Thursday:  After school, everyone stayed after to do a Jillian Michael's workout!  I had forgotten my workout clothes, so I walked home, then ran back with just my ipod, did part of the workout, and then Katie and I went to the chiropractor for her...nothing intense, just a routine thing.  But this guy was so nice and is so close to where we live...just another little blessing!  Thursday was also our last day of Maths (New Zealanders call Math Maths, for Mathematics and Statistics).

Friday:  We started Social Studies and Science!  I am really excited for both of these classes this week.  I also got to Skype my wonderful roommates!  I am so grateful for technology!  After class, Nancy and Hannah came over and we planned our weekend trip to Wellington, the capital of NZ.  It is going to be so much fun!  March 11 after we get out of school, we fly down to Wellington, spend two nights in hostels, explore the city, and get to come back Saturday on a TRAIN back to Auckland!  I am so excited! We have heard from many people that the train ride is just beautiful, and we will get to see so much more of NZ.  

Saturday:  We woke up to rain, but thankfully it stopped and we were able to have a busy, full day!  Alice had to go into work, so were able to see where she works at MIT.  She dropped us off at Otera Market, this really neat market where we will definitely be going back to for souvenirs.  It reminded me a little of the market we always go to in Boise- lot's of food and crafts!  As a group we go there on one Saturday morning sometime next month...but Katie and I walked around the market for a few hours, then visited Alice, then caught a bus to the Chinese New Year Festival!  We are definitely becoming familiar with the whole bus system here...sort of. haha.  We were sitting on the bus, and pretty much all we know is that we're supposed to be on it for thirty minutes.  At one point I leaned over to Katie and said, "We have no idea where we are!" We just started laughing with each other.  We got on this bus and all we knew was the stop to get off...but we had no idea what the area looked like or anything!  We were just going to peel our eyes for the street names and get off when we could.  But it makes everything that much more exciting!  Luckily someone had pushed the button to get off at the same stop we needed to get off at...that was a miracle! haha.  We were supposed to catch another bus to take us up the street to the festival, but we just decided to walk because it really wasn't that far.  On our way we passed Cornwall Park, a park we had passed with Alice earlier that morning.  It is gorgeous, green, and full of sheep!  We decided to stop and take some pictures :) 

It was so green! Mekelle--it reminded me of the time when we were really little and I gave you a piggy back ride through the Sacred Grove! haha.

This is exactly what I pictured New Zealand to look like--besides the ocean, I pictured green pastures of sheep!

This is One Tree Hill!  We were walking out of the park and up towards the festival and saw it.  Alice took us up there later after the festival.

Chinese New Year Festival at the ASB Showgrounds

This cute children's Chinese dance team performed!  It is just amazing how many cultures are represented in Auckland.

Katie and I ran into Diana, Neeley, Nicole and Janet!  Such a fun surprise!  I love all these girls!

We were going to just take a bus home, but Alice called us after leaving work and we were pretty much ready to go, so she was so nice and picked us up from the festival, then drove us up to One Tree Hill!  There used to be one tree standing in front of me in this picture, but it kept getting cut down so they haven't replanted another.  But this location is so beautiful and is an amazing view of Auckland.

So after we got home, Katie and I had a bunch of reading to do for class, then we had dinner.  Alice and Noah made an amazing homemade Mac n cheese! It was so good--complete with bacon, pineapple, and tomato on top!  I loved it.  I love everything Alice makes us!  After dinner, we finished up homework, then decided to pick some oranges from Alice's orange tree before it got too dark!

We ended the night with a little cardio/ab workout, showered, and went right to bed.  We were so worn out after all the walking we had done.  But it was such a fun day!  

Today was also wonderful!  I had to play the opening hymn in sacrament meeting because the organist was late to church! haha.  Luckily I didn't even have time to think about being nervous.  I love how I am getting so many opportunities to play the piano while I am here.  I played for Primary again, and then after church played for choir when the men and women split and the director was just working with the women.  So lots of piano today!  But I love it.

One week from tomorrow we head to Queenstown!  This week will be really busy with school, but this is the last week of it!  So no complaints here :)

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