January 16, 2011

This weekend has been so great.  On Friday, we finished up our Literacy and Assessment classes!  We start the Math class on Monday, and only have it for four days!  But that's 6 1/2 hours of math for four days...we can do it!!  Dr. Jacobs told that Helen Walters, the woman who will be teaching us, is so great and we are going to learn so much from her.

After we finished up class, we headed back to Alice's house, and on the way Carla and Noah found us and picked us up!  Alice had surgery on Friday, so her daughter Dana (Carla's twin) was there just to make sure everything was ok.  Katie and I got to meet Dana and her three adorable kids.  Alice really has the cutest grandchildren!  Dana left after a little while, and Katie and I finished up some homework, cleaned our room and bathroom, and then walked with Carla and Noah up the street to get some take aways for dinner. (fast food pretty much)  I am starting to catch on to all the lingo... Anyway, so Katie and I had our first fish and chips experience!  Talk about greasy! haha.  But it was delicious!  I definitely do not plan on having that for a loooong time though...

Earlier in the week our group had decided that we would go to Mission Bay, a really pretty beach right outside the city, where you can tandem bike, kayak, paddle board...just lots of fun things to do.  Because Alice had taken us into the city, Katie and I had a pretty good idea of where Mission Bay was, and somehow we got the responsibility of figuring out the buses and everything!  So Friday after dinner, Katie and Noah were playing hide and go seek while I was on my computer on the bus website figuring everything out.  We planned out the day and our bus route, and Katie emailed everyone all the information.

Saturday morning I got up and went for a run and worked out for a while, then showered and we met everyone at the bus stop near our house to catch the 9:14 am bus into the city.  At 9:15 I started to get nervous, just hoping the bus would come and that I had not failed everyone in my planning! haha.  But everything worked out perfectly!  The bus came, we got our $14.50 Discovery day pass for the bus, and took the bus into the city!  We got off at Britomart, which is basically the main bus station in the city, and had to catch another bus to get to Mission Bay.  But we made it!!! I was so happy and relieved.  I don't get stressed out too easily, but I was definitely stressed, just hoping I had planned out the buses right.  But Dr. Jacobs told us that the only way to really have the experiences we want is to do things ourselves! So we did!  And Katie and I are definitely confident in abilities to get around now :)

At Mission Bay we all laid out for a while, and then the majority of the group wanted to walk down about 20 minutes to another bay where they hired kayaks.  I kind of just wanted to relax on the beach, but then Nancy and I were talking and decided that we wanted to do something on the water.  I looked out and saw this guy paddle boarding!  It looked so fun.  I wanted to do something that I had never done before, and I have been kayaking a ton in Florida, so that's why I originally stayed behind.  But then the four of us who had stayed behind walked to meet the other girls.  And we got to paddle board!  It was only $15 for an hour of paddle boating, and we had so much fun!

This is Mission Bay! It's pretty much a big park, and then you can see the ocean in the background!

This was on our walk to the other bay to meet up with the girls.  It's like the Provo River trail with a bike lane and running lane, except this has the waterfront on one side!  It's beautiful.  The place we rented our paddle boards from also hires roller blades!!!! I was so excited to see that.  I grew up roller blading, and I haven't done it in years, so roller blading along the waterfront is something I added to my to-do list :) 

Nancy, Katie and me paddling out!

Emily took such awesome pictures!

This is going to be a great week!  On Tuesday night, Elder Niel A. Anderson is going to BE HERE speaking to the young single adults of the church!  I cannot even tell you how excited I am.  I am so lucky!

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