Powhiri, Parnell, and Piha!

What a wonderful week this has been.  I am so incredibly blessed.  It makes me sad to think that already two weeks of school have come and gone, with only four more, and less than six weeks total in New Zealand…where did this month go?? But we are making the most of every minute we are here!  This week was so busy but so great! Today I spoke in church about trusting in our Heavenly Father.  I was just overwhelmed with gratitude for how blessed I really am.  So here is my week:

Monday:  It was a wonderful day at school! I learned a lot about dealing with parents…I love watching Mrs. S interact with her colleagues and with the parents of her students.  But I never really realized how important it will be to have a relationship with the parents of my students.  It was an interesting morning…basically one parent telling Mrs. S that she has too much on her plate and that if her child is not behaving it’s her problem! Haha.  Anyway, that was an experience for sure.  But Pomaria has the best system for rewarding those students who are making good choices and applying their Key Competencies…like one that Mrs. S always encourages, ‘Managing Yourself’.  Anyway, Pomaria has these praise postcards, where teachers can write a little note to the parents of the student, and the office addresses it and sends it to the family.  I love that idea!  I know it is important to have consequences for bad behavior, but those who are always on their best behavior also need to be rewarded!  Laurence, this adorable year 3 student, brought in his cardboard ‘castle’ for show and tell the first week I was there.  Mrs. S had promised him she would let him paint his castle on Friday and that he could pick one friend to help him.  He chose Will, another perfect student who was moving, and Friday was his last day in the class.  At the end of the day, Laurence approached Mrs. S and told her that he wanted to give his castle to Will as a goodbye present from him.  He is just such a sweet kid.  When I was back at school on Monday Mrs. S told me how Laurence had done this, and she showed me the Pomaria praise postcards.  I think this would be so great for parents to see when their children make those great decisions.

Tuesday:  Our Powhiri!  Our principal Kevin Choromanski drove Katie, Allie, Kara and me to Henderson South primary school where we had the powhiri for all 16 of us and the new students there at Henderson South.  It was such a neat experience.  We got to hear beautiful Maori songs by the kids, and also got to sing a Maori song together as a group that we had been practicing J

Te aroha
Te whakapono
Me te rangimarie
Ta tout a tou e 

Our group outside the hall of Henderson South

Dr. Jacobs gave a speech on our behalf, telling the school where we come from and why we are here.  It really was such a moving speech!  And he even spoke in Maori for much of it!  He is just so great.  We all love Dr. J.

Tuesday afternoon we had immersion activities (tying into the vision statement of Pomaria).  Anyway, so our PLG (Professional Learning Group) Manaakitanga, which consists of five classrooms, had an activity in each classroom, and the students rotated around the different rooms every 15 minutes.  Mrs. S wanted some pictures but didn't have the school camera with her, so I walked around with my camera and snapped some pictures.  Here is a little sneak peak to my class :) I love all these kids.  Even the year 4 boys that drive Mrs. S up the wall.  I have this theory that they are just bored--they need something to challenge them.  For our math class we have to do this activity that is going to be pretty challenging, and I'm planning on doing it with this group of boys.  I think it'll be so good for them.  But anyway, here are some of the kids in my class!

Also Tuesday afternoon...so after the kids were dismissed, I was just talking with Renee, and she was showing me all about her maths and writing programs, and some of her resources.  I am just amazed at her organization of everything.  It's a little overwhelming, but I know that through experience and time and I will have the kinds of resources she now has.  But I didn't leave school until about 3:45.  During that hour, I noticed dark clouds rolling in, and just as I was getting my stuff and about to leave, the heavens opened and it just started POURING rain.  So I started my walk/sprint home.  I stuck my black flats in my bag and took off.  But I have to say, it was so fun running barefoot, in a dress, in the pouring rain, in NEW ZEALAND.  And I had to document it the second I walked in the door.  

I know you can't really tell, and this is terrible picture of me, but I wanted to remember this!  haha. I was completely soaked!

Wednesday:  We woke up to rain, so I wasn't able to go running.  But as I was checking my email, another email came in--and it was EFY telling me that I got the job!!!!! I was offered contracts for both sessions of the Georgia EFY!! I cannot even explain how excited I was.  This is really a dream come true for me.  I cannot wait!  

Thursday:  To add to the excitement of the week--Kaley got accepted to BYU!!!! Man, it really could not have gotten any better...and yet it did!  I am just so happy for her.  But I feel like I was just accepted to BYU...I cannot believe how fast these three years have gone by...I also got to skype all my wonderful roommates!  AND Kyle and Mekelle.  

Friday:  Can I just say, having Fridays off is so wonderful.  Katie and I slept in until about 8 o'clock, and left with Alice and Noah around 9am.  We dropped Noah off at Puna (his daycare) and Alice dropped us off at the top of Parnell Rise, this street in Auckland that is so fun and full of cute (expensive!) boutiques and cafes.  I love just shopping around, going into all the little boutiques.  After a full morning and lunch at the Alphabet cafe (and a stop at the Chocolate Boutique--amazing!) we bussed back home.  Alice is so great, and we had such a fun afternoon/night.  After we got back and changed, she drove us up into the Waitakere Ranges, where we hiked Fairy Falls.  It was absolutely beautiful.  Afterwards, we drove around all over the place!! Alice took us everywhere!  We stopped at Takapuna beach on the North shore, which is beautiful of course, drove through a fun little town Devonport, drove to the top of Mt. Victoria and watched one of the most gorgeous sunsets I have ever seen while looking out to Auckland, and we topped it all off with Burger Fuel!  It was such a successful day! :)  My camera died during our bushwalk to Fairy Falls, but Alice let me borrow hers to get pictures from the rest of the night.  I still need to get those from her, but I'll put them up when I get them.  Here are a few from Fairy Falls:

Katie and I had a blast of course :)

Saturday:  Piha beach day!  James took us to Piha, and walked us over to Honeymoon Cove, which I don't even know how to describe...it was so pretty.  The waves would crash up against the rocks and send the mist over and onto us...it was a little bit of an adventure hiking over to Honeymoon Cove, but so worth it!

Here is Piha!  After eating lunch on the beach at Honeymoon Cove, we hiked back to Piha, and climbed Lion Rock (the huge rock in the picture above).  It was another gorgeous view of the other side of the beach.  Then we drove to Karekare, where we walked to another beautiful beach.  But first we waded through this freshwater area.  Funny story...so everyone had to at least just cross over the fresh water to get to the trail that led to the beach.  But I was right behind James, who just continued walking through the water, along the trail.  I decided to follow him, along with a few other girls.  So we're walking along, and it starts getting deeper and deeper.  I was walking a little to the left, and all of a sudden, the floor just dropped!  So I'm holding my dress up, trying not to get completely soaked...which happened anyways.  James discovered that it was only getting deeper, and told us to get back the bank and onto the trail.  I just took off my dress (with my swimsuit underneath), held it up with one arm, and swam to the shore.  It was one of those experiences that no one else will think is very funny when I try to explain it...but it was one that I'll remember forever :)

The fresh water we partially walked through! haha

The trail led to this beach!  Oh, Piha and this beach are on the west coast, which is all black sand...and very hot!  But when we got to the beach, the waves looked SO fun.  So...we played in the ocean for a while!  It was so much fun.  Whitney and I sprinted out and dived under the waves!  I just love the beach.

After swimming for a while, we hiked to another gorgeous waterfall.  It amazes me how you can walk just ten minutes from the beach, and be walking through this thick, tropical bush to waterfalls in the mountains!  It's just the best!  I love it here. And we are so lucky to have James!  He tells us so much about all the places we visit.  Between Alice and James, I have learned so much about this beautiful country!

So last night (Saturday) we had a surprise birthday party for Nicole!  In New Zealand, turning 21 is a pretty big deal apparently, and her host mum wanted to throw her a birthday party.  When she found out from Dr. J that Nancy and Anna also recently celebrated their 21st birthdays, she combined it into one big party!  It was SUCH a fun night.  This is a picture of all of us waiting for Neeley to bring Nicole out to the back to surprise her!  She had no idea.

This was the biggest cake I have ever seen!! 

We even got party favors!

Sunday:  I love Sundays!  Today church was wonderful, as always.  I spoke, then Katie, and then Dr. Jacobs also spoke.  And I played the piano again in Primary!  Noah got to come to church with again today too.  I love that I am able to be in Primary with him.  After church I got to talk to mom for a while, which always just makes me so happy!  Then for dinner, it was me and Katie's turn to have dinner with the Jacobs!  Dr. J makes his famous spaghetti for all the girls (in pairs).  That's a LOT of spaghetti, but they say they never get sick of it :)  I love Dr. Jacobs and his wife Linda.  They are so much fun.  We had a blast sitting and eating dinner with them, and listening to the wonderful stories they shared about how they met and just getting to know them better.  

This is going to be another really busy week!  I have my first observation on Tuesday.  I'm a little nervous.  But then this weekend we are going to hot water beach!! I'm so excited :)

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Pomaria, Rangitoto, and Chinese Lantern Festival!

Welcome to Pomaria Primary School!!  What a great first week of school!  I love my class, love my teacher, and I am going to have a wonderful next five weeks here.  The staff is so welcoming and helpful too.  

On Friday morning, Allie, Kara, Katie and I got to be a part of the powhori.  This is a special Maori welcoming ceremony, where all the new staff, students, and visitors are welcomed to the Pomaria family.  A student called out to us in Maori, in kind of a chant/song, welcoming us into the hall.  Another student led us in, calling back and explaining who we were.  As a group, girls led in first with the boys behind, we slowly walked into the hall, down the aisle, and sat off to the side.  The students in the picture above were performing the haka as we walked in- it was so neat to see these elementary school kids perform the haka!  

Each powhori always ends with a Hongi (the pressing of noses...this was a funny experience for me...I just about locked lips with the drama teacher! haha), and then a Hakari, or a feast.  We ended with some delicious food in the staff room.  A member of the staff who teaches the Shining Star program (for ELLs) came up to us and asked us what we thought of the powhori.  I was telling her how it was a really neat experience, and she then said how she noticed me immediately because when I walked into the hall apparently my eyes got really big as I looked around at everything going on! haha.  I didn't even realize it.  But I guess I was just trying to take everything in!  It was really neat though.  You should google Powhori and read more about what went on during the ceremony!  On Tuesday of this week we have another Powhori at Henderson South with the other 12 girls in our group.  At this one, we get to sing a Maori song that Carol Anderton (our literacy teacher) taught us during classes!  I'm excited to be a part of one with all the girls!

Anyway, so Friday after our Powhori, Katie and I jumped on a bus and met a bunch of the girls at Pt. Chevalier, a beach that is just 20 minutes or so away from our house.  It was so nice to relax on the beach for a few hours and catch up with some of the girls and see how everyone's week went.  Thankfully everyone is happy with where they are at- and of course we all love our students!  I really love the age group that I have.  3rd grade is where I fit :)  I know you don't really have a choice sometimes, and I'll take any teaching job I can after I graduate, but I think that 3rd grade would be ideal.  

Saturday was such a fun, busy day!  I love that we are doing so much.  I know that I will not leave here thinking I missed out on anything!  Any spare day we have, we always plan something fun to do.  Something that has been on my to do list was hike Rangitoto, a volcanic island just a 30 minute ferry ride away from Auckland.  So we took a 7:40 bus from our house into the city, then got on the 9:15am ferry over to Rangitoto.  There is no commercialism on the island, just a bunch of trails that go all around the island.  It is a beautiful island, full of gorgeous forests and lots of volcanic rock.  It can be seen from pretty much anywhere on the mainland, and looks the same from an angle.  When we got off the ferry, we headed straight for the summit.  And man was it a workout!  We were all drenched in sweat by the time we got to the top. 

The wharf!  This was right after we got off the ferry.

Welcome to Rangitoto Island!

Part way up to the summit- Nancy, Janet and me! 

I really wish my pictures could show what I actually saw...but there is part of Auckland! You can't even tell how pretty the view was, but I tried!

Nicole, me, and Emily!

After we hiked the summit, we decided to hike to the lava caves- somehow we got separated into smaller groups, but we all ended up back together by the end.  Whitney had this great idea to take a 'candid' of us hiking!  haha. But I love this picture!  Whitney, me, Jessica, Diana, and Janet!

The lava caves were SO cool.  This was right outside the one that we walked/crawled through and up back onto the trail.  Luckily Hannah was the prepared one of the group and remembered a torch (flashlight!) so we were able to make it through!

After hiking through the lava caves, we then hiked to McKensie Bay, where I changed into my swimsuit and gladly dived into the water!  It felt so amazing.  Jess, Diana and Janet also got in the water.  After we dried off, ate lunch, and relaxed for a little while, we started the hour hike back to the wharf, where we made the 3:45 ferry back to Auckland.  I am so happy we got to finally hike Rangitoto! 

I feel like when I upload the pictures to my blog they don't turn out as well...but this was gorgeous- you looked up and the trees created an archway over the trail!  This was on the way back to the wharf from McKensie Bay.

Once we made it back to Auckland, some of the girls went to a Rugby game, and some of us also headed to Albert Park to the Chinese Lantern Festival.  I love that there are always free festivals and events going on around Auckland.  And this was so cool!! We met up with Alice, Daena and Sid, and Nina was also there!  We got to see Zion and Ahanu perform with their Kung Fu group at the festival.  

Ahanu (9) is the second from the left.
Zion (10) is second from the right. 
They both did so great!  It was fun to be able to watch them!  And it was a fluke that we actually found Alice with the huge crowds of people that were at the festival.  We found Alice just as she was texting us to let us know details about their performance time and all that.  We got there around 5:30 or so, and they performed around 6:30. 

They didn't look AS cool while it was light outside, but it was still so fun walking around the park and seeing all the lanterns.  This is the God of Wealth- and yes I know that I could not look more like an American tourist in this picture...it cracks me up.  But keep in mind we had been hiking all day...at least I had changed out of my swimsuit and sweaty clothes! haha.  But of course I am wearing my awesome Chacos that I love, and my study abroad backpack that matched with Katie's! haha.  We were quite the pair last night.  I feel like I can never quite blend in whenever we go to big events like this.  It's pretty funny.  But we had a great night!

Once again, pictures do not do it justice!  These lanterns were so huge and so elaborate and detailed!

It's a sheep farm!

Walking out of the park!  I was so happy we had been there before it got dark, because by the time the sun set, there were SO many people there.  So around 9 we left, and decided to go to Giopo, a gelato place on Queen street that Daena had told us about.  So we walked up Queen street, I got a scoop of some Hokey Pokey and chocolate brownie ice cream in a cone, and we headed to our bus.  After sitting down finally, we realized how tired and worn out we were.  But it was such a fun day!!!  I love Auckland and going into the city.  Before we leave, I really want to go back to Queen street and just go into all the fun shops and boutiques there.  

Today was a wonderful day at church, as always! I played the piano in Primary again...it's like my unofficial calling while I am here I guess. haha.  But I do love it.  Sometimes I wish I could be in Sunday School, but being in the Primary is also so great! 

After church it was SO nice to finally hear mom's voice!  I hadn't talked to her in a week and a half and was definitely missing it!  Serving a mission would be so hard...I can't even imagine talking to my mom only twice a year...it would definitely be a sacrifice, but also a wonderful experience.  It's crazy to think that I am almost 21 and could be starting mission papers...it is definitely something I am thinking about though.  Possibly not any time in the near future, but I think I really would love to serve a mission.  Just something that has been on my mind a lot lately.

But Katie and I made dinner tonight- we made a delicious spaghetti florentine recipe that she got from her mom.  And we attempted to make bread...it tasted like more like a biscuit, but it was still good! haha.  While dinner was cooking, Alice asked me to teach Noah for a little while.  I don't know if I have ever blogged about this actually...but Noah loves music...he loves to listen to it, watch instruments being played, play his own instruments...let's just say we think he may have an exciting musical future ahead of him :) Anyway, so the first week we were here I told Alice about how I play the violin, and she rented a violin for Noah for three months so that I can just work with him a little bit while I am here.  I don't know exactly how to teach the violin, but I tried! haha.  Noah just loves to hold it and 'play a song'.  But I was so happy when I turned and saw Katie snapping some pictures!  

It's a teeny tiny violin!  But we had a fun little mini-lesson tonight with Noah before dinner :)

After dinner I got to skype with Mekelle and Kyle.  I just love talking to them.  I don't know what I will do when they move away from Utah...I can't even think about it for too long because I start crying!  But thankfully I have a month or so with them once I get back to Utah!  They are so great and I love them both so much!

I am excited for what this week will bring :)

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Happy Valentine's Day!

February 15, 2010

I know I'm a day late, but Happy Valentine's Day anyway!  On Saturday Noah came over, and Katie and I had decided a while ago that we wanted to make some sugar cookies for Valentine's Day!  So we told Alice we wanted to bake with Noah, because he LOVES to be in the kitchen helping in any way he can.  It's like he is 3 going on 13...he's so smart!  I love it when he comes over to visit.  We were frosting our cookies that night, and he asked Katie and I, "Hey girls, (imagine in a NZ accent...it sounds like guhls :) ), do you love me?" We both immediately told Noah how much we loved him, and he then responded with "I know." haha.  He cracks us up.  We then asked him if he loved us, and he said yes! So I can count Noah as my Valentine, right? haha. Just kidding.  It's kind of nice actually, New Zealanders do not really celebrate it at all!  Not that I am one of those people who strongly dislikes the holiday, because I do love it!  I love that there is a day to celebrate with the people you love!  It would just be much better to actually have someone to celebrate it with!  haha. But that will come...one day :)  Here are some fun pictures of our cookies that we made!  Can I just tell you how much I love that my social life consists of decorating sugar cookies on a Saturday night with a 3 year old? I love it! haha.  No worries about who is doing what, feeling lame for having to do homework on a weekend...none of that in New Zealand :)

Alice has this HUGE collection of cookie cutters...we picked out the heart and cut out the majority of the cookies as hearts, but we also had Noah pick out some cookie cutters.  We had a pumpkin, an umbrella, a football (or rugby as he called it), a train car, a handprint...quite a variety! :)

We had a few extra hearts and couldn't decide what else to write on them...so I personalized one!
Can you read it?
 MB + KB 4eva
haha. I love you and miss you Mekelle and Kyle! And I love our weekly skype sessions!

It had been a long day on Saturday and was so fun to end the day decorating sugar cookies.  And I used mom's amazing recipe...man they are SO good.  But I had a wonderful Valentine's Day!  It was my first day at Pomaria Primary School!  It was wonderful.  I am so excited to work with Mrs. Renee Stockenstroom (Mrs. S) and her Year 3/4 class.  They are all so sweet.  And I am proud to say that after just the second day, I have all the names down!  

Whenever another teacher asks me who I am working with and I tell them Mrs. S, they tell me how awesome and hard-working she is.  I know I am so lucky to be working with her, and that I am going to learn a lot over this next six weeks.  

Tomorrow night is Meet the Teacher night!  And I get to be one of the teachers! I'm pretty excited :)

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