Milford Sound and Biking

Thursday, February 3rd, we met at 6am down in the lobby, piled into the vans (once again), and headed to Milford Sound, a gorgeous fjord!  The drive there was beautiful, all through the mountains.  Once we got there, we boarded our boat as the rain started.  Throughout the tour it was raining, but I think it really made it even better for us!  James told us that he likes Milford Sound best when it's raining, because there are even more waterfalls, and they are much bigger!  So it was a good day for it to be rainy!  

After the boat tour, we got dropped off at the natural underwater observatory, where we learned all about the history of Milford Sound.  It wasn't very big, but it was really cool because of how natural it is.  We were looking through these thick windows underground into the water, right out into the natural environment.  

Me, Katie and Diana on the main level of the observatory.  

The drive back to Queenstown was crazy!  For the first hour, it was pouring down rain as we drove back through the mountains.  Look at all those waterfalls!  It was like that all around us!  It was like nothing I have ever seen before!

After sitting in the car for 8 hours total, I was ready to get outside and do something!  Katie and I went for a little jog along the waterfront.  I wish Utah had the kind of running trails that I have found here...I could run every day along the waterfront, through Hagley park in Christchurch...but I do love running down Provo Canyon.  It is definitely it's own kind of beautiful!  

On Friday, our last day in Queenstown, half of us decided to rent bikes and bike along the water.  They have a bunch of trails that go all along Lake Wakatipu.  I have to say, even with the sky diving and bungee jumping,  Friday may have been my favorite day!  Mostly because for six hours, we were outside, enjoying the gorgeous weather, our beautiful surroundings, and biking together.  It was so much fun.  And it was pretty intense!  We definitely got a good workout in! It made me want to get into mountain biking too.  For parts of the trail, we were in the forest along the lake that got pretty rocky and intense! But we all loved it.  And it was kind of nice just with 8 of us.  In the beginning of the trip, I felt overwhelmed sometimes with all 16 girls being together all the time, but yesterday I realized how much I really love being with everyone!  I was sad to say goodbye to all the girls last night.  We really won't see much of each other over the next 6 weeks while we're teaching.  Every Friday we'll have activities, but other than that we'll be so busy teaching!  But it will be fun to see each other and share all our classroom stories :)  

Here are some fun biking pictures!

About an hour into the bike we took a little break by the beach. There were so many little houses (and many big, gorgeous houses) and docks all along the way that had beautiful views of the lake.

This is where we stopped to eat lunch- gorgeous!!!

I love Queenstown!

On the way back we stopped and just laid on this dock, and right next to it was this fun little swing tied to the tree!  So I decided to try it out :)

View from the dock!

We were only like ten minutes away from returning the bikes...but we all didn't want it to end!  So we stopped one more time, and I had to get a group picture of everyone!  This was such a fun day!

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