Sundays are my favorite!

Today was just wonderful!  I love Sundays!  It was amazing to really see that no matter where I go in the world, our church is the same everywhere!  This is the beautiful building where we have school in the cultural hall, and also where my ward meets on Sundays from 1-4.  I am so excited too because I am going to get the chance to play the piano a lot.  Allison and Karalee from our group are the only other girls in the ward with Katie and I, and today in Relief Society they asked if any of us play the piano, so I got to play our opening hymn.  And after church, Natalie Snow, one of the girls who helps with driving us all around Auckland when we do group activities, asked me to substitute in Primary for the next few weeks because she will be up North on vacation.  So the next few Sundays I get to be the pianist for all the Primary kids during Singing Time!  I am so excited.  I just love my church.  I love the feeling when I leave, like I am just renewed and rejuvenated for the next week.  I feel so close to my Savior, and I love the spirit that is felt throughout the day.We had such a great lesson on gifts of the spirit and discovering and using our gifts that we have been blessed with.  It was just a great day.  And everyone in the ward is so warm and welcoming.  

The weather today was absolutely perfect.  I just cannot believe that I am here, it is summertime, and in Georgia they have a huge ice/snow weather alert for the next few days!  It's crazy.  And can I just say, that technology is incredible.  How can I not only talk, but be looking at my family as I talk to them?!  It was so nice to Skype with Mom, Kaley, Brandon, and then tonight with Mekelle and Kyle.

Yesterday we got to go to the BEACH!  We all rode up together to Orewa beach.  It was absolutely beautiful.  All these pictures I stole from Katie, because I had a little camera scare, thought I lost my camera, but I left it in James' van (this member of the church who also helps drive us around in his van).  Thankfully Nicole grabbed it for me after Katie and I were dropped off.  But this is everyone in our group!  I'll have to put up more pictures from the beach when I get my camera back.  It was so fun getting to know all the girls.  

On the way back from the beach, James had to stop and get gas, and brought us back some NZ candy!  They're called Minties, and they are delicious.  They're kind of like those really good chewy mints, like I think of wedding mints, or the mints I'm pretty sure Outback Steakhouse has. Haha.  Anyway, kind of like that, but much bigger, and smoother, like a taffy texture.  I don't really know how to explain them.  But Alice has also introduced us to Chocolate Fish (chocolate covered marshmallow- mom, you would LOVE them) and Pineapple Lumps (kind of like pineapple taffy, but lighter, covered in chocolate).  Both are ok, but I'm excited to find something that I LOVE and will want to bring back a ton of for everyone :)

We DID actually get some color, I promise! It's just funny coming from the dead of winter, and being that pasty white color, and being thrown into the middle of summer! Everyone around us at the beach was so tan...but we'll get to that point soon :)

School for the next three weeks...but so far it really hasn't been too bad.  It's kind of like going back to high school again, having class from 8-3:30 with a 45 minute lunch break...except high school we only had like 25 did we do it??  Anyway, I cannot complain-- 14 credits in just 17 days!

I've decided-- when we go to the South Island three weeks from tomorrow, I am skydiving!


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Luanne said...

Hi Becca,
Just stopped by to say hi and catch up on your most excellent adventure! Looks like you are really enjoying every minute! So happy for you! xoxo Aunt Lu

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